
Match Making

“Matches are made in heaven,” as the age-old saying goes, reflecting the deep-rooted belief in the sanctity of marriage. In Hindu culture, marriage is viewed as a sacred and eternal bond between two individuals. Today, this traditional process has transitioned to Online Kundali Matching. With Rashidham’s Kundali matching tool, you can simply enter the birth details of the boy and girl to receive a compatibility result based on the Ashta Kuta system, calculating the match out of 36 points.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Kundli Matchmaking at Rashidham

What is the purpose of Kundli matching for marriage?

Kundli matching for marriage is an astrological practice that assesses the compatibility of potential partners based on their birth charts. It helps identify various factors such as emotional compatibility, personality traits, and potential challenges in the relationship, ultimately guiding couples in making informed decisions about marriage.

What are the key factors considered in Kundli matching?

Rashidham’s Kundli matching process evaluates several essential factors, including Basic Details (like Varna, Vashya, Nakshatra, and Ascendant) and Guna Milan (Ashtakoot), which assesses compatibility through eight components, as well as Porutham Matching (Dashakoot), which uses ten additional factors.

How is the compatibility score calculated in Kundli matching?

After assessing both Ashtakoot and Dashakoot components, the final compatibility score is determined, with a maximum of 36 points. Scores are categorized to indicate the strength of the match: under 18 points suggests incompatibility, while scores above 32 points indicate a very strong match.

What is Manglik Dosha, and how does it affect marriage compatibility?

Manglik Dosha is an astrological condition that occurs when Mars is positioned in certain houses of a person’s birth chart. It is believed to cause difficulties in marriage. At Rashidham, the Kundli matching tool carefully evaluates this factor, recommending that Manglik individuals ideally marry other Mangliks to mitigate potential issues.

Can I get a Kundli matching report for free at Rashidham?

Yes, Rashidham offers a free Kundli Milan report, allowing individuals to assess their marriage compatibility. Users can enter their and their partner’s birth details into the online tool to receive a comprehensive analysis from expert astrologers.

How does Rashidham’s Kundli matching service help in relationship management?

Rashidham’s Kundli matching service not only evaluates compatibility but also identifies potential challenges in a relationship, offering remedies and guidance for enhancing harmony between partners. This service aims to ensure a fulfilling marital life by addressing concerns proactively.

Factors in Kundli Matchmaking

Our online Kundali matching software at Rashidham features separate tables for easy visibility of all the essential factors involved in Kundli Matching. After entering the details of both the boy and the girl into the free horoscope matching for marriage tool, you will see the components described below.

1. Basic Details

Once you fill in the required information in the Kundali matching for marriage tool, the first table displays the basic details of the girl and the boy in two columns. These details are later compared using astrological concepts, and compatibility scores are assigned to each component. The basic details include: Varna, Vashya, Yoni, Gan, Nadi, sign lord, sign, Nakshatra, Nakshatra lord, Charan, Yog, Karan, Tithi, Yunja, Tatva, Paya, and Ascendant.

2. Guna Milan / Ashtakoot Details

“Ashtakoot Milan” is the name given to the Guna Milan or marriage score-matching procedure used in Northern India. “Ashta” means “eight,” and “Koota” refers to “factors.” These eight Kootas are utilized in horoscope matching for marriage. Each factor receives a score for Kundali matching based on the names and birth dates of the individuals, focusing on the Moon’s position in their natal charts.

Here’s a brief overview of the eight components under Ashtakoot details or Guna Milan:

  • Varna / Jaati: This score assesses the caste compatibility of the two individuals, highlighting their emotional compatibility. There are four divisions of Varna: Brahmins (Highest), Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras (Lowest).
  • Vashya: This component helps determine who will be more authoritative and influential during Guna Milan based on Jataka matching.
  • Tara: In astrology, there are 27 natal stars (Nakshatras) known as Tara. The compatibility of the Taras of the two individuals is compared.
  • Yoni: This Koota analyzes the couple’s level of closeness, romantic compatibility, and shared love. It consists of 14 categories: Horse, Elephant, Sheep, Snake, Dog, Cat, Rat, Cow, Buffalo, Tiger, Hare/Deer, Monkey, Lion, and Mongoose.
  • Graha Maitri: The fifth Koot assesses the couple’s affection and intellectual compatibility. It consists of three types: Friends, Neutral, and Enemies.
  • Gana: Astrologers use this Koota to evaluate the personalities and attitudes of the two individuals. It includes three subcategories: Devata, Manushya, and Rakshasas.
  • Bhakoot/Bhakut: This factor measures the affection between potential life partners. Couples with the same zodiac sign are considered to have a better match. The combinations fall into two groups to determine the Kundli matching score:
    • Lucky (Sad Bhakoot): 1/1, 1/7, 3/11, and 4/10
    • Unlucky (Dushta Bhakoot): 2/12, 5/9, and 6/8
  • Nadi: In Indian Ayurveda, “Nadi” refers to pathways through which energies flow. This Koota assesses the health and genetic makeup of the couple post-marriage. It has 27 Nakshatras divided into three subcategories: Adi, Madhya, and Antya.

3. Porutham Matching / Dashakoot Details

The next table in the online Kundali matching tool presents the Dashakoot details, also known as Porutham matching in South India. This concept is similar to Gun Milan but considers ten factors for calculating marriage compatibility scores.

  • Dina: This Koota’s score indicates the health and well-being of the bride and groom in the future, essential for assessing the longevity of their marriage.
  • Gana: As in Ashtakoota, this defines the scores for the couple’s attitudes and understanding toward each other.
  • Yoni: This measures sexual compatibility, linking their nature to the four categories in Yoni Koota: Human, Birds, Animals, and Reptiles.
  • Rashi: Rashi signifies the family roots of the bride and groom based on their birth. Compatibility scores are determined by hereditary characteristics.
  • Rasyadhipati: This score in Dashakoota Milan reflects the life span of the husband, an important factor in horoscope matching for marriage.
  • Rajju: This Koota indicates the happiness levels between the two people marrying. Different Nakshatras are preferable for a good match.
  • Vedha: This assesses the degree of challenges the marriage might face. An astrologer will look at the scores to identify potential issues and solutions.
  • Vashya: Similar to Ashtakoota, this defines the attraction levels between the bride and groom. A score of ‘0’ or ‘2’ is considered inauspicious.
  • Mahendra: Under the Dashakoota details, this indicates the number of children expected in the marriage, reflecting the completeness of married life.
  • StreeDeergha: This Koota signifies the wealth and prosperity the married couple can expect.

How to Check Kundali Scores for Marriage

After the Ashtakoota and Dashakoota processes, the astrologer determines a final score for the Kundali matching in English or Hindi. The maximum score in horoscope matching for marriage is 36/36. You can check your free horoscope matching for marriage today.

Below the Ashtakoota and Dashakoota tables, the potential bride and groom’s scores are indicated in the online Kundli matching tool:

  • Under 18 points: Marriage is generally not advised; the chances of a successful match are slim according to marriage astrology.
  • 18 to 24 points: There is compatibility and opportunities for a stable marriage.
  • 24 to 32 points: This indicates a good combination; marriage is advised.
  • 32 to 36 points: It’s a match made in heaven; finding a better match is unlikely!

Manglik Dosha

Next, in the online Kundli Milan tool, you’ll find one of the most important features in marriage astrology – Manglik Dosha. This factor can significantly influence a marriage. Astrology places considerable importance on Manglik Dosha, which relates to Mars.

If Mars appears in a person’s chart in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth positions, that person is considered to have Manglik Dosha. It is generally recommended that a Manglik person marry another Manglik to avoid adverse effects on their marriage. Our online marriage matching tool carefully accounts for this condition before generating any report.

In horoscope matching for marriage, if a Manglik marries a non-Manglik, it may lead to numerous challenges and hardships. Often, the future spouse may face difficulties, even when a Manglik marries a non-Manglik. Therefore, matching a Manglik with another Manglik is considered appropriate, as it nullifies the Manglik Dosha for both parties. Use our online Kundli Milan tool to check this critical factor today.

How to Get a Free Kundli Matching Service

“How can I get my Kundli for free?” If you’re looking for the best Kundli matching service from top astrologers in India, you’re in the right place. Rashidham provides a FREE Kundli Milan report along with highly valued matchmaking services. Our astrologers will review your online Kundali matching process, ensuring you receive the most accurate results.

The Rashidham Kundli matching Compatibility Calculator offers a reliable analysis of your marriage horoscope. You can start the Online Patrika matching by entering crucial details like date of birth, name, and time of birth. This allows the bride and groom to participate in Kundli matching by name and date of birth, assessing their compatibility before marriage. Our online marriage matching tool is highly reliable and created by professionals who prioritize your well-being as if it were their own!

Kundali matching by name and date of birth will help you ascertain if the boy or girl in your life is your ideal match. It serves as an effective way to analyze your relationship before making a long-term commitment like marriage. Furthermore, it can highlight potential relationship challenges, remedies, and ways to ensure your partner’s happiness. Thus, horoscope matching for marriage effectively uncovers the significant factors influencing your marital life. Simply log into our app or website with your and your partner’s basic details to discover what the stars say about your relationship with free Kundli Milan details.

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